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Paul PurgasFoto: National Institute of Design-Archive, Ahmedabad

Karma, Dreams and Lost Futures

18:00–19:30 Samtal
22 aug
Fri entré!

Den 22 augusti bjuder vi in till ett samtal som tar avstamp i den hyllade utställningen ”EMS – konst, teknik & politik”. Fokuset för samtalet ligger på framtidsoptimism och elektronmusik under det sena 60-talet.

Hör historien om när Indien fick sin första elektronmusikstudio och hur några internationella konstnärer försökte omvandla en ö i Dalarö skärgård till ett allkonstverk.

Du får också ta del av ett globalt projekt om framtiden, startat av den inflytelserika organisationen E.A.T. på Moderna Museet 1971, och hur projektet har inspirerat nya konstnärliga iscensättningar.

Samtalet leds av Paul Purgas och gästas av Anna Lundh, Mats Lindström och You Nakai (på länk).

Samtalet hålls på engelska.

Tid: 22 aug kl 18
Plats: Scenkonstmuseet, Sibyllegatan 2, Stockholm
Fri entré!

In English

On August 22, we welcome you to a conversation based on the exhibition ”EMS Art, Technology & Politics,” with a focus on optimism for the future and electronic music in the late 60s.

Hear the story of when India got its first electronic music studio and how a group of travelling international artists tried to transform an island in the Dalarö archipelago into a Gesamtkunstwerk.

You will also learn about a multi-continental project about the future, initiated by the influential organisation E.A.T. at Moderna Museet in 1971, and how this project has inspired new artistic staging.

The conversation is chaired by Paul Purgas with Anna Lundh, Mats Lindström and You Nakai on link from another continent.

The conversation is held in English.

Time: Aug 22, 18.00
Place: Scenkonstmuseet, Sibyllegatan 2, Stockholm
Free admission!

About the artists

Paul Purgas (moderator)

Paul Purgas is a British artist and electronic musician whose research-based practice explores South Asian cultural histories and East-West dialogues through music, design, and spiritual philosophy. His recent work includes documenting India’s first electronic music studio in the book ’Subcontinental Synthesis’ and developing the BBC Radio 3 documentary ‘Recording on the Nomad’s Trail,’ alongside his performances with the electronic music project Emptyset.

Anna Lundh

Anna Lundh is a visual artist based in Stockholm whose research-based work explores cultural phenomena, societal agreements, and ideological shifts, focusing on time, temporality, and technology. She holds an MFA from Konstfack, has exhibited widely in Sweden and internationally, and is currently a PhD candidate in ”Art, Technology and Design” at Konstfack University, collaborating with KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

You Nakai

You Nakai is an artist and musician who creates performances, haunted musical mansions, and experimental children’s books, and is a member of No Collective and Already Not Yet. He is also a researcher on David Tudor’s music, with his findings published in the book ”Reminded by the Instruments,” and teaches at the University of Tokyo and Kyoto City University of Arts.

Skrivet av Scenkonstmuseet den 10 juli, 2024