About the Website
Our goal is to make the content on this website accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of personal or technical circumstances. Here, you’ll find information about how our website functions.
Information on the accessibility at the Swedish Museum of Performing Arts.
Text Size and Zoom
You can adjust the text size and zoom in on the content to make it easier to read. Use your browser’s built-in features to change text size or zoom in and out on the page.
The method for doing this depends on your browser and device.
Content on the Website
We ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. If you have any feedback or questions about the content, feel free to contact us via email at info@scenkonstmuseet.se.
Processing Personal Data
We handle your personal data in accordance with laws and regulations on data protection. This means we take responsibility for protecting your information and respecting your privacy.
We use cookies to improve your experience. Cookies are small text files stored on your device when you visit our website. They help us understand how you use the site and allow us to tailor content to meet our visitors’ needs.
You can choose to accept or reject cookies when you visit our website. You can also change your cookie settings in your browser at any time.
You can update your cookie preferences on our website by clicking the “Consent Settings” tab at the bottom of the screen. We do not collect any personal data or your computer’s IP address through cookies.
Public Access Principle
The Swedish Museum of Performing Arts is a part of Statens musikverk. Statens musikverk is a government authority, meaning information published on our website is considered public records under the principle of public access. This means that the information may be disclosed to the public upon request.
This also applies to comments visitors publish on our website and social media.
Inappropriate Comments
Posts and comments containing inappropriate content published on the archive’s social media or website will be removed. Inappropriate content includes posts that are offensive, incite hatred, depict child pornography, portray violence, or infringe on copyright.
Help Us Improve
We continuously work to improve the accessibility of our website. You can report errors or share feedback by contacting us via email at dataskydd@statensmusikverk.se.